ralphs matt norse myths

A beautiful collection of illustrated Norse myths and legends retold for a new generation. Action-packed tales of extraordinary creatures and compelling gods, goddesses, and heroes come to life in this compendium of Norse myths. Explore the ancient stories told by the Vikings in this exciting new retelling - it's the perfect introduction for kids aged 7-9 who have an interest in mythology. Inside this stunning illustrated storybook for kids you'll discover: - Compelling profiles of a wide variety of characters of Norse legends, complete with a reference section that sets the stories in context - 20 enthralling myths - some well-known, some less well-known - from Odin to Baldur - More than a collection of myths - also includes a map of the Norse lands and a pronunciation guide - Original and stylised illustrations by award-winning artist Katie Ponder on every page - a perfect gift book for kids interested in art, myths, or history Journey into the mythical world of Nordic folklore! Children can explore the stories of mythical figures like Thor, the god of thunder who disguised himself as a bride to seek revenge and retrieve his powerful hammer, Mjolnir, and how Sif, the goddess of fertility, had her long golden hair cut off by Loki, the trickster god. Engaging imagery for each myth by multi-award-winning artist Katie Ponder will immerse readers into the stories. This Norse mythology book for kids also includes feature pages profiling the featured gods and goddesses, giving context to the historical context behind the myths. A reference section provides key background information, such as Norse cosmology, facts, and a pronunciation guide. Featuring beautiful foil lettering on the cover and stunning illustrations throughout, Norse Myths is the perfect gift for kids to explore the tales by themselves or as bedtime stories. If you loved Norse Myths, be sure to check out the other title in this series called Greek Myths. This volume explores more than 30 enthralling Greek myths - and some you may not have heard before! It's complete with a reference section to provide context and a handy pronunciation guide.


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