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Discover the astounding ancient architecture, the history of civilization, and the beauty of our planet in these Wonders of the World. Become an eyewitness to the fascinating architectural feats and natural treasures of the world in this picture-led reference guide that will take you on a visual tour of more than 50 wonders of the world. Children will be mesmerised by human-made landscapes such as the Statue of Liberty to record-breaking natural marvels like the River Nile. This unique, beautifully illustrated guide takes kids on an incredible journey around the world's most spectacular sights. Using striking full-colour photographs and illustrations, discover the Pyramids of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis, the Statue of Zeus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, the Colossus of Rhodes, and the Lighthouse of Alexandria and much more! Throughout the pages of this newly-revised book on Wonders of the World, you can expect to find: - A fresh new look, new photographs, updated information, and a new "eyewitness" feature - Amazing facts, diagrams, statistics, and timelines - Brand new eyewitness accounts from experts in the field Eyewitness Wonders of the World introduces the ultimate guide to remarkable architecture and natural wonders. Children can learn about the most incredible natural and human-made wonders, through amazing facts, diagrams, and statistics to see them as never before. This all-emcompassing wonders of the world guide is a must-have for curious children aged 9+ with a thirst for learning, as well as teachers, parents and librarians. So, what's new? Part of DK's best-selling Eyewitness series, this popular title has been reinvigorated for the next generation of information-seekers and stay-at-home explorers, with a fresh new look, up to 20 percent new images, including photography and updated diagrams, updated information, and a new "eyewitness" feature with fascinating first-hand accounts from experts in the field. Explore the series! Globally, the Eyewitness series has sold more than 50 million copies over 30 years. Journey down the River Amazon and explore the rainforest with Eyewitness Amazon, learn how to combat climate change with Eyewitness Climate Change or take a trip aboard the most famous ship in history with Eyewitness Titanic.


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