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The Tala 1.2 Liter Glass Jar with Bamboo Clip Top Lid Stainless Steel Clips Clear Silicone Seals is made of non-toxic and BPA-free borosilicate glass, ensuring safety and health of you and your loved ones. This product has a low-expansion rate, high-temperature resistance, high strength, sturdiness and durability. The airtight lid is made of bamboo as it is safe and environmentally friendly. It has a volume capacity of 1.2 l with dimensions of 8.62 x 4.57 x 4.57 inches. The Tala 1.2 Liter Glass Jar with Bamboo Clip Top Lid Stainless Steel Clips Clear Silicone Seals is scratch-proof and shatter-resistant. Thanks to sturdy construction and materials use, this clear and transparent glass jar is a great addition to your collection of kitchenware essentials. The clip top bamboo lid with stainless steel clips and clear silicone seals ensures that the jar is airtight and moisture-resistant. This amazing seal keeps contents fresh and aromas locked in. The stainless steel lid and silicone sealing ring keep air out, creating an airtight environment to keep contents dry and moisture-free. This product is recommended to be hand washed only. It is safe for use in the microwave, freezer and dishwasher. Time and again, the Tala 1.2 Liter Glass Jar with Bamboo Clip Top Lid Stainless Steel Clips Clear Silicone Seals has proven to keep the contents of your jar dry and fresh. It also ensures that the aromas and flavours are locked in and remain intact. This product is perfect for storing and preserving a variety of ingredients including preserves, jams, chutneys, rice, sugar, flour, tea, coffee, herbs, spices, biscuits, dry fruits, cookies, candies, spices, flacks, muesli, cereal and pickles among other things. There is a benefit to switching from those toxin plastic containers and bottles to elegant-looking glass bottles and storage containers. This glass jar is biodegradable and hence, you can easily switch from plastic to beautiful glassware from Tala. This airtight storage container is available for many storage applications, such as food storage, including coffee, flour, sugar, spaghetti, solid food, snacks, nuts, candy and spices. The food container is also suitable for small non-food objects to help you save space in the kitchen and cabinets, realizing better storage effects. The Tala glass jar keeps your food safe, nutritious and healthy. As it is made from non-toxic and chemical-free materials it is safe for you and your loved ones. With this product, you are sure to have an enjoyable experience at home. .(1)Easy to store and see the contents. (2)Prevents oxidation and retains freshness. (3)Dishwasher and freezer safe. (4)Easy to use, clean and maintain.


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