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Introducing the BIKUUL Bicycle Light Set, a versatile and reliable accessory designed to enhance your cycling experience. This set includes a powerful front light with a built-in horn and a convenient speedometer, making it the perfect all-in-one solution for your biking needs. With its USB rechargeable feature and waterproof design, it ensures long-lasting performance in all weather conditions.The front light of the BIKUUL Bicycle Light Set is equipped with ultra-bright LEDs that provide exceptional visibility and illuminate your path during low-light conditions or night rides. With multiple lighting modes, including steady and flashing options, you can easily adjust the light to suit your preferences and enhance your safety on the road. The built-in horn adds an extra layer of security, allowing you to alert pedestrians and vehicles of your presence, ensuring a safer cycling experience.The included speedometer is a fantastic addition to the set, providing real-time information about your speed, distance traveled, and elapsed time. This allows you to track your performance and set goals for your rides. The easy-to-read display provides clear visibility, even in bright sunlight, and the speedometer is simple to install and operate, providing you with accurate data to monitor your cycling progress.One of the standout features of the BIKUUL Bicycle Light Set is its USB rechargeable capability. With a built-in rechargeable battery, you can conveniently charge the lights and speedometer using any USB power source. This eliminates the need for disposable batteries and ensures that your lights are always ready for your next adventure. The waterproof design adds to its durability, allowing you to confidently ride in rainy conditions without worrying about water damage.Upgrade your cycling experience with the BIKUUL Bicycle Light Set. Whether you're commuting in the city or embarking on a long-distance ride, this versatile set provides powerful illumination, a safety horn, and a speedometer to enhance your visibility, security, and performance. Enjoy the convenience of USB rechargeability and the peace of mind that comes with its waterproof construction.


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