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The Cricut metallic foil sheets are great transfer foils that you can use to create intricate, delicate designs on cards stock, paper, gift boxes, business cards, menus, wedding invitations, booklets and other stationery items. Measuring 10 x 15 centimeters, you can make items for Valentines Day, Christmas, Fathers Day, Mothers Day and more. If you have a small business you will definitely benefit from this machine and the foil transfer feature. Cricut is here to make your work faster and easier with the Cricut transfer foil sheets. Now no more bending over cards and paper crafts trying to press foil into the surface painfully hurting your hands and shoulders. Just sit back and relax and let Cricut do all the work. First, attach your card paper to the standard grip mat, and on top the paper without touching the mat, tape the metallic foil sheet to the paper. Tape the Cricut metallic foil sheets on all four sides, gently pulling it outwards so that the sheet remains taut. This is so that the machine can print seamlessly without any fold getting in the way. Feed the mat into the machine, adjust the settings and print. You can switch the shades on the paper without removing the mat. Install the transfer tool and start the process. When the foil transfer is complete, remove the Cricut transfer foil sheets. You can switch the transfer tool with the blade and flawless cut though the paper to create silhouette and other intricate paper patterns. Remove the mat and weed out the remaining paper with the weeding tool. Your foiled greeting card is now complete. You can score folds with the scoring tool and fold in the right place without creasing the paper. Now you have your own custom greeting card for the holidays made with Cricut metallic foil transfer sheets. Mail it to friends and family to spread some holiday cheer. .(1)A range of metallic foil sheets for the Cricut Maker and Cricut Explore(2)Use with the Cricut transfer tool(3)Print intricate foil patterns on cards, paper, boxes etc(3)Quick install and print system(4)Make stationery, menus, cards, business cards, invitations, letters, decorative envelope etc(5)Precise designing with custom uploads, texts, quotes, motifs etc.(6)0


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