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Dont you always wonder how celebrity houses or posh hotels have luxurious bathrooms, with beautifully arranged countertops. A flower arrangement, a scented candle with a beautifully rolled towel arrangement on a gold plated tray. However, this would look too majestic and gaudy for a home. But dont kill your desires just yet. Interdesign Clarity Guest Towel Tray is here to fulfill your wishes. This sleek, minimalist styled towel tray can be a great addition to your bathroom. Treat yourself and your loved one to some decorated quality time in the bathroom. It is also the perfect product hidden hostess in you who would love to place towels in an elegant way for those special guests. It may also be used as an accessory holder at your dressing table or bedside table, where you can put daily use accessories such as rings, watches, earrings, or certain necklaces that you need to remove before sleeping on the tray, rather than jumping around the home looking for them. The 9.7×5.7×1 inch clear multi-use plastic tray is waterproof and easy to clean, also making it the perfect item to use without any worries in the bathrooms. The molded top of this compact tray makes it easier to grasp and carry around. Unlike sharp-edged trays that rip your cloth with a single touch, the curved edges protect the users safety. Give your bathrooms that special touch and your dressing table the organized look: A single product with a hundred uses. The one inch elevated rims avoid any kind of spillage off of the tray. The tray is made with high quality durable plastic made to last years and years. Its very light in weight but strong enough to not break if it falls. Just dust off any dirt that settles over it or wash it with water if something spills over. The transparent plastic gives it a neat look. The flat base is skid proof. The BPA-free plastic used to make it makes the product environmentally conscious. It is functional with a modern design and will be the perfect addition to your home. (1). Transparent compact tray with sleek dimensions. (2). BPA-free plastic makes it waterproof and breakage-free. (3). Its very easy to clean it. (4). Curved edges prevent any harm to the user. (5). Lightweight and outward folded edges make it easy to carry and move around. (6). Elegant and minimalistic product.


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