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Tired of a messy workspace in your office? Need an organized desk at your home for your daily work from home routine? We have a really special product for you workaholics. This Litem Monitor Stand + Organizer Set of 2 is going to do wonders for your desk space. It aids in the creation of a tidy and well organized workspace for your desktop at home or at work. It has two parts. First, the monitor stand is ergonomically designed to raise the height of your monitor. It provides the optimum viewing angle so you dont strain your eyes or work in an awkward posture with hunched shoulders and bent back. The second part is the organizer that fits into this monitor stand. It has enough storage space for your sticky notes, notepad, pens, visiting cards, stylus, and cell phone. The sleek and sophisticated looks of the desktop stand will easily match any interior décor. This stands attractive appearance makes it ideal for use in both the office and at home. This stand takes up very little room, thus leaving your desk space free for other things. The neatness of your working space will allow you to work with a fresh, clear, and clutter free mind. The stand and the organizer come in a standard black color, thus giving a very formal and classy look. For your ease, the brand Litem has clubbed together both essentials, the desktop stand, and the desk organizer. What a brilliant thought to solve all your working space problems at once! The brand Litem is associated with smart and practical products that bring with them a lot of ease and functionality, as proven by this set of stand and organizer. Now, easily mount your MacBooks or laptops on this stand, and work effortlessly while maintaining a good posture. Imagine the long-term health benefits of this product. It is a must-have for every office goer who needs to be on the laptop for several hours. So, buy this set of monitor stand and desk organizer for yourself, and dont forget to recommend it to your colleagues. 1) The ergonomic design is quite user-friendly. 2) High quality plastic and steel make this item durable. 3) Can be used at home and office both for organization. An essential item for people who work long hours on screen. 4) Package contains 1 monitor stand and 1 desk organizer.


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