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This Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory Set Of 3 is a durable product that is fashioned out of a material called MDF. MDF or Medium Density Fiber is made from wood fibers after passing wood through a defibrator. The wood fibers are made from softwood or hardwood residuals and are mixed with resin and wax. Then high temperature and pressure are applied to it to turn it into panels. It is almost comparable with plywood. The Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory has small holes bored into it in pairs so that you can fix your earrings on display. After placing jewels on it the Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory Set Of 3 can be safely stored in your cupboard or drawer. The holes have been precisely bored into it so that it will not crack with usage. The Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory Set comes in packs of 3 each. Each board has 8 holes bored into it in 4 pairs. Now you need not worry about losing your precious jewellery as Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory is here to take care of it. Since the boards can be seen prominently there is less chance of losing them. Locating them is easy as they come in big and grey colored panels. Storing the Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory is easy due to the fact that they are thin panels occupying less space. This product comes in sets of three each so that you dont run out of panels to store your jewellery. They can also be used for display in shops as they can be seen prominently. Jewellery on display in the Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory looks better as the interplay of colors renders them more beautiful. It has an aesthetic appeal. So your jewellery will look better when displayed on Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory. They will not break or sag easily as they are intended for heavy use and they will last you for an entire lifetime. The dimensions of this product are 5 x 7.5 x 1.5cm (x3 pieces). It can also be an ideal gift for your loved ones. .(1)The Stackers Grey Earring Display Accessory Set Of 3 are made from MDF or medium density fiberboard.(2) They come in grey color and are meant to enhance the beauty of the jewels displayed on them.(3)They are tough and can withstand rough use.(4)They will last you for an entire lifetime..


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