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Sippy cups can keep children hydrated in a spill-proof fashion, without requiring an enormous amount of clean-up. They can help kids understand their own thirst. And they can be part of a variety of different cups parents use to help children understand different situations or to simply develop drinking skills. The Melii 340ML Abacus Sippy Cup for Kids Toddlers a Baby with Removable Lid Blue is the best choice. Easy Transition: The Melii 340ML Abacus Sippy Cup for Kids, Toddlers and Baby, with removable Lid, Blue, assists in transitioning easily from bottlebreast to cup feeding. Easy sipping: The touch-flow valve opens instantly with a small amount of pressure, making it easy and simple to drink from. The soft silicone spouts are gentle on the babyʼs teeth. Lip activated: This product facilitates drinking from anywhere around the rim - just like a regular cup. This product helps support normal muscle development in a childʼs mouth. High on safety: The sippy cup is made of Polypropylene, ABS and Silicone, BPA-free, non-toxic, food-grade materials, ensuring the safety of your little one. Anti-leak system: The non-spill cup in the sipper makes drinking easy and hassle-free for babies. Equipped with an integrated anti-leak valve and flip-top design to prevent spills, this product is great for your little ones. The valve closes when the pressure is released, ensuring no leakage or spilling, even when you and your little one are on the move! Easy-grip: The round shape of the sipper makes it easy for the baby to hold and comfortably drink from it. The lower straw is bent for easy drinking till the last sip. 2-in-1 Convertible Sipper: 2-in-1 Spout and straw of the sipper are made of BPA-free, durable and soft silicone materials that are bite-resistant. The beads on the cap keep the toddler engaged when you are busy. Protected by cap: The feeding mug has a protective cover which ensures no dust and utmost hygiene. The enclosed cover keeps the spout clean and makes the sipper travel-friendly. Easy to use, clean and maintain, this product is dishwasher safe. Capacity and Dimension: 340ML, 10.5 x 10 x 15.4 cm. Colour: Blue. Package Includes: 1 x Melii 340ML Abacus Sippy Cup for Kids, Toddlers and Baby, with removable Lid, Blue. (1) Easy for babies to hold. (2) Non-spill cup in sipper makes drinking easy and hassle-free for baby. (3) This baby cup is easy to use. (4) Easy to clean and maintain.


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