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The Stackers Classic Ring & Bracelet Drawer with Glass Lid Taupe is a polyurethane drawer which can be used to store your rings and bracelets. There are separate sections where you can store your jewellery. Your bracelets can be stored tangle-free by using this drawer. The Stackers Classic Ring & Bracelet Drawer helps reduce the wear and tear of jewellery as its inside is lined with soft material. This product is lightweight and can be kept in less space. This Classic Ring & Bracelet Drawer is portable and blends with any background. This is a versatile product as it can be used for storing a variety of jewellery. It is also durable as it will not break easily and will last for a long time. The dimensions of this product are 18 x 25 x 5.6 cm. This Ring & Bracelet Drawer has a glass lid through which you can observe its contents without having to open the drawer. Its inside is spacious enough to keep all your jewellery and the outside is small enough to be stored on your dressing table. It is built to last for a long time. It can be cleaned easily and presents a neat and tidy appearance to your jewellery. Your rings and bracelets will be safe hereafter with the Stackers Classic Ring & Bracelet Drawer. It comes in Taupe color which makes it attractive. It will not be overturned easily as its base is wide enough. There are separate sections for storing your rings and bracelets. Because of its taupe color and smooth interior the Stackers Classic Ring & Bracelet Drawer has an aesthetic appeal to it. The best part of this product is its affordability. It is great value for money as it will keep your table organized and looking shipshape. You will not run out of space while storing your jewellery in this product as it has large sections to store your bracelets and rings. It can be carried around as it is portable. It needs no assembling. You can improve efficiency at your home by buying this product. It will keep your small jewellery handy and within easy reach. .(1)This product can store all your rings and bracelets tangle free.(2)It has separate sections to store your rings and bracelets.(3)This is both durable and versatile.(4)It is priced affordably so you can accommodate all your jewellery in it and give a neat and tidy appearance to your dressing table.(5)It adds an aesthetic look to your dressing room..


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