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This Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe is a unique and beautiful way to store your trinkets and charms as also other small jewellery. It has 9 sections and you can store your rings and bracelets in separate sections. Thus you will avoid jewellery getting tangled. Your small jewellery will now have an organized as well as neat and tidy look to it. Each necklace can be kept separately in different sections to avoid them getting tangled. The Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe is made of polyurethane and will last long. The dimensions of this product are 18 x 25 x 3.7 cm. It has a wide base and it cannot overturn. This product does not need to be assembled. It is a simple unpack and use jewel box. With separate sections to store each of your trinkets and charms you need not worry about them getting lost, because when you want your small jewellery item you know where to find them. This Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe can be kept on your dressing table or near your bedside. It requires very little space to be kept. The Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe is designed to be spacious enough for the jewellery stored in it and small enough to fit on your dressing table. Your jewellery will not get scattered after you start using this product. Also it reduces wear and tear of your jewellery as they are kept tangle-free. This Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe will prove to be an invaluable addition to your home. It has a total of 9 sections divided into 3 rows and 3 columns. Theis jewellery holder can accommodate all your jewellery pieces and you will not run out of space. This can be a good gift for your friends and relatives and they will appreciate its utility. The inside of the Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe has a soft touch to it. This is to ensure that your jewels have the ideal storing place. It is lightweight and portable and can be kept anywhere in your home or at office. There is no need to assemble it as it is a simple product. .(1)This product is good for storing small jewellery.(2)Your day-to-day jewellery can find a place here as it ensures a tangle free experience.(3)The Stackers Classic Statement Layer Taupe is lightweight and portable.(4)The inside is soft and smooth so that your jewellery can be safely stored..


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