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Do you have a shoe fetish of any kind? Do you have a lot of shoes in your closet? Lacking space and storage, does your shoe rack hold all of your preferred shoe collections? We could give you a little more room for your shoes if you'd like. Here is a brand new product, Kicks & Pumps Shoe Storage Box. Kicks & Pumps Shoe Storage Box provides additional space for your footwear. A snap-tight clasp on the bottom of the boxes allows you to easily stack them on top of one another, so you can easily discover your shoes without even opening your front door; You can grab them and go right away because you don't need to open the door to find them. So that you don't have to stress about where to store your old shoes before you go out and buy some new ones. The material used to construct the storage box is strong and long-lasting. It's small and light, but it's strong enough to hold your shoes 36 x 27.5 x 22 cm are the measurements of the container, which is clear. It comes in the pack of three shoes storage boxes that are easily stackable so that it takes less space.  You can always know which pair of shoes you've stashed in the box because it's transparent. Keeping your shoes in this container can keep them clean and free of dirt and debris. Though the product is recommended for the storing of shoes, it can be utilised for a variety of other applications as well. Medications, medicines, handkerchiefs, and other personal hygiene items can all be stored in these handy plastic containers. Multiple shoe boxes are a terrific way to keep your shoes neatly organised. The structure of the boxes is sturdy and long-lasting. These shoe storage boxes are made of only the best plastic and include a flap. If you're concerned about damaging your shoes in any manner, this is the solution for you. Make shoes storage very easy and simple for yourself and don't let it cause a havoc in your life. .(1)A clear and transparent body(2)High-grade materials of the highest quality were used(3)Easy to carry, light, and convenient to use(4)A well-built, long-lasting structure(5)For example, toys, medications, and underwear can all be stored in a single multipurpose container.(6)As stated, this item's dimensions are as follows: 36x27.5x22 cm..


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