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The Little 500 ml storage milk bottles are made of premium quality toughened glass that is safe for the health and wellbeing of your family. This product is BPA-free and lead-free, ensuring that the contents of the bottles are always chemical-free and toxicant-free. This product is perfect for BBQs, garden parties, weddings, baby showers, picnics and beach trips, and great for gifts and decoration ideas. The Little 500 ml storage milk bottle is a milk, water and beverage container designed to make your cooking spaces a delight. This product is also refrigerator-safe and freezer-safe for your benefit. The airtight lid of the bottle is made of strong and durable materials for long-lasting freshness. A one-of-a-kind bottle, this product is a must-have in your home. Ergonomically designed for your benefit, this milk bottle is suitable for children and adults alike. Practical and extremely durable: Resistant to daily wear and tear, this product has been designed to be used for a long period of time. The milk bottle is reusable, thus avoiding the waste disposal of plastic bottles every day. A fun, quirky and healthy way to store and serve milk, homemade shakes, juice and more, the twist-top lid keeps contents fresh and flavourful. The simple yet elegant bottle is a beautiful compliment for both, contemporary as well as modern settings. Uses: This product is perfect for your relaxing night of water, juice, and cocktail sipping. They are ideal to serve drinks for weddings, birthdays, holidays, festivals and parties. This product will also make a hot conversation topic among your guests. Care: Easy to clean and maintain, just wash the bottle with mild soapy water. Do not use a metal scrub for the bottle cap. This milk bottle from Little Storage is freezer-safe and refrigerator safe. Airtight and spillproof, this product will revolutionize the way you store and drink your beverages. Also, the taste and nutritive value of the drinks remain intact. Package contains: set of 1 piece glass milk bottle, capacity 500 ml Dimensions: D6 x W6 x H20.5 cm. Colour: Assorted colour/clear. .(1)It has a flat base to stand on.(2)The mouth of the milk bottle has a wide opening, easy to pour.(3)Perfect size to store 500 ml content.(4)Ergonomically designed for your benefit..


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