journal plastic a6 6 ring binder dividers with tabs translucent index a6 dividers for binder and planners

These clear plastic boxes with lids are manufactured by Hokan-sho, frontrunners in the storage products market. The containers are secure, durable, and reliable in performing their required functions of storing and organizing items. Maximized convenienceThe storage boxes come with lids to secure whatever has been stored. In addition, plastic buckles on two opposite sides of the lid aid in locking items in. The locking mechanism is sturdy and can be relied upon to last a long time. The buckles provide an airtight fit for the container, preventing anything from spilling out when carrying the boxes. The buckles on the lid also prevent moisture from getting in, which is common in humid conditions. Another feature that comes with the lids is the lengthwise scale for additional convenience concerning items and comparing them using their length. The clear plastic boxes with lids also have plastic dividers to store items by category. Secure and reliable boxes.The boxes have a storage capacity of 13-liter for items. The large cuboidal shape maximizes storage for the given dimensions of the box. The tough plastic material is durable under stress and resistant to moisture or extreme temperature changes. The plastic is lightweight and easy to carry, and the portability makes it easy to transport anywhere. The composition of the plastic material is completely safe and non-toxic to humans. The containers are ideal for storing small items and especially to be put in use for garages, kitchens, offices, school, and work utilities. The boxes are transparent to allow clarity into the stored items. The see-through plastic material, along with the dividers, is immensely convenient. Get your Hokan-sho 13 Liter Plastic Storage Box Clear as soon as you anticipate youll require a storage box. These clear plastic boxes with lids add to the convenience of your organizational life with their slew of unique features, along with their dependability and toughness. The lid comes with buckles to secure your items. Dividers in the boxes allow the organizing of stored items. Scale on the lid for convenience. Suitable for storing small items by category and group. The sturdy plastic body that can withstand highly stressful conditions. The box has a 13-liter storage capacity.


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