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Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia eau de toilette is another masterpiece from the 2012 Flora The Garden line by Gucci, created based on the legendary Flora pattern. In this collection, where each fragrance is dedicated to one side of the female nature, Gorgeous Gardenia celebrates sensuality and passion. The composition of the Gorgeous Gardenia eau de toilette is inspired by the royal gardenia, whose fragrance beckons and fascinates. The fragrance of the gardenia flower in nature is quite intense and fills everything around. So a woman who will fall in love with this perfume attracts the eyes and attention of others. The seductively sweet and gently enveloping fragrance of Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia eau de toilette is designed for a woman who knows a lot about luxury. The noble and rich composition of Gorgeous Gardenia will emphasize the passion of the female nature, its emotional and sensual side. Sugar-fruit notes will appeal to lovers of "sweet life", and a delicate creamy train will give the image a special, incomparable charm. The light playfulness of the floral and fruit bouquet of Gorgeous Gardenia will open well in summer. Sweet and appetizing, this fragrance will be appropriate both at a friendly party and on a romantic date. If you know how to give in to feelings without a trace, then Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia eau de toilette is created for you. The composition of Flora by Gucci Gorgeous Gardenia eau de toilette embodies all the sensuality of a feminine nature. The fragrance opens with mouth-watering and passionate chords of red berries and pears. Juicy and sweet, they captivate from the first moment. Following the playful top notes, a fragrant gardenia appears regally. The gentle Frangipani shares the "heart" of the composition with her. Together they give the fragrance the same sensuality and passion that is sung in this toilet water. The delightful patchouli accord makes the composition especially noble, and brown sugar adds a delicate creaminess to it.


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