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A stitch in time saves nine goes a popular saying. What better gift to give to your better half than this Stackers Grey Velvet Watch Bracelet Pad which shines resplendent like the sun? This incredible storage pad preserves and protects your prized artifacts and keep them safe from the vagaries of weather and rough handling. This is a multi-purpose watch and bracelet pad which serves as an excellent option for birthday gifts. It is made of sturdy Rayon material and its dimensions are 7.5 X 16.5 X 3.5 Cm. It has an attractive grey color and can also store 3 items at a time. One can only savor the moment when your better half sets her sight on this glittering gift. After all, diamonds and jewels are a womans best friend. The pad is covered with a soft velvet lining, making it ideal to store delicate items. The velvet lining ensures that your accessories do not get scratched or tarnished over time, making it the ideal choice to store and display your prized accessories. It will fit seamlessly into the Classic Deep 3 and Deep Open Stacker, the Mini Deep Open Stacker, as well as the Supersize Deep Stacker. It will certainly prevent your jewelry from getting tangled and cluttered. These jewelry boxes have been designed in such a way that you can custom-make your own jewelry box by choosing which layers and accessories suit your unique, remarkable collection. The benefits of rayon material are that the fabric is soft and convenient to use. It has a beautiful, regal appearance. It absorbs moisture and water well and stays cool and airy in warm weather. It also retains its shape and color well. From watches to bracelets, the nature of the pad keeps your wristwatches in shape while also allowing you to present it neatly. No more fumbling for your watch in the morning amidst heaps of other accessories, because the Stackers Grey Velvet Watch Bracelet Pad, keeps your everyday accessories organized and well within reach. 1) Made of sturdy Rayon material. 2) Can organize watches, bracelets and pendants; 3 items at a time. 3) Attractive, glittery and resplendent. Moisture resistant box. 4) Prevents jewelry from corrosion and tarnish. 5) You can customize your jewelry collection according to your needs.


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