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The HS Vanity Acrylic Pen Holder Box with 3 Compartments Clear contributes to the organization and upkeep of a neat and orderly office desktop. The high-translucent acrylic pen holder features sharp, glossy corners and is see-through all the way through. Its possible that you can store pens, pencils, erasers, and other office supplies there. Because it has three separate areas, you may use it to organize the many types of pens, pencils, and markers that you have. Its measurements, are 16.8 cm in length, 8.4 cm in width, and 9 cm in height, making it the ideal desktop option for organizing your desk. Because of this, it will be easy for you to organize and gather your stationery supplies, as well as the essentials for your workplace. The three compartments of this acrylic pen holder are not only deeper for longer pencils, but they also give space for smaller supplies like colored lead pencils, small sticky tapes, erasers, and other such items. This design does not require any assembly because it arrives already together and is ready for use. Due to the use of waterproof acrylic in its construction, this model is built to survive far longer than one made of wood. The bottom of the acrylic pen holder box organizer is built with four anti-slip foot pads, making it ideal for placement on any flat surface to prevent the box from moving about or sliding off. It is manufactured from high-quality acrylic that is extremely robust, has a transparent appearance, and does not have any scratches or cracks on the edges. This ensures that it is both safe and simple to use. Appropriate for usage on a desktop in a variety of settings, including an office, a classroom, a living space, or a bedroom, for instance. You may add a rainbow of hues to your workspace by stocking it with a variety of pens, pencils, and other writing implements. You may place one on the desk for your children too. They would love the transparent box and learn to organize and declutter their stationery using this storage box.


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