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Store and easily access The Hokan-sho Plastic Pull Out Box Long White is a versatile, large and slender storage box where you can store garbage bags, disposable gloves, wipes, tissues, napkins, plastic bags, zipper bags and bags for freezing meats and vegetables, and paper bags for shopping and disposing. The box has a removable lid with a cross slot that makes access and removal easier to clean up immediate spills and other accidents around the kitchen, bathroom or home. Perfectly organized for gramophones, artists, parents, restaurant cleaners, janitors and gardeners, the Hokan-sho Plastic Pull Out Box Long White makes life easier for all. Organize and save spaceAre you tired of drawers filled to the top with plastic bags, gloves, napkins, garbage bags and tissues? Dust collects, insects invade and cockroaches make themselves at home creating unsanitary environments for the whole household and area. Avoid these germy scenarios and instead save your cleaning requirements in an organized way with the Hokan-sho Plastic pull out storage bin. Durable, long lasting and made from sturdy material, it is suitable to hold most folded, open-and-use items and can be carried around from place to palace for better access when needed. Use everywhere and anywhere. The Hokan-sho Plastic Pull Out Box Long White is the perfect box for hospitals, stores, warehouses, homes, art houses, schools and offices. For makeup artists and hair stylists that constantly need access to tissues and other clean up materials, this would be the suitable choice, as you need not discard the box with every use, instead simply remove the lid and refill with your requirement. It is easy to clean and maintain, with a little soap and water, wiping dry with a microfibre cloth. Measuring L 21.4 x W 8.5 x H 7.1 cm, it is the best way to store and use disposable items wherever you go. Get the Hokan-sho Plastic Pull Out Box Long White today. A reusable storage box for tissues, gloves, napkins, garbage bags and more. Removable lid with a double crossed slot for easy removable and access. Long and slender to fit most items. Can be labeled or customized to suit the room. Perfect for homes, hospitals and businesses. Allows for easy access to clean up materials.


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