cartoon shape hanging hook strong sticky wall hook holder rack decor bathroom kitchen storage hook shelf household organizer

Accent your home decor and kitchen atmosphere with the Spectrum Ashley Fruit Tree Bronze. Stacking up fruits in one place makes it easier with the help of this multipurpose metal fruit basket which comes with a bronze finish. The fruit basket comes with a hook which helps to keep bananas and grapes. The hook is designed in such a way that it balances the weight of the fruits in the basket and the fruits on the hook that is placed. It is a useful product for every house as it makes it easier to store fruits in one place. The product comes with a rich look where it makes it easier to keep in your living room, dining room, and kitchen which makes it more attractive when guests see it. The open design lets fruits and vegetables ripen evenly while the attached banana hook keeps the fruit from bruising. As you are aware, hanging bananas encourages even airflow around the fruit, prolonging their shelf life. The durable metal center arm and hook do not bend under the weight of banana bunches. This product is designed to hold a variety of bunch sizes to accommodate all banana-buying habits. The tall arm holds long bananas, and a sturdy hook supports large bunches. The basket is perfect for all your products such as apples, pears, lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwis, bananas, and other fruits in convenient countertop food storage. Alternatively, you can use this fruit basket to store your vegetables. This all-in-one fruit bowl will serve as a great focal point on your kitchen counter or tabletop. Measuring 28.575 x 27.305 x 41.91 cm, this product is a great addition to your collection of kitchenware essentials. Why get this product from Spectrum: Prevent overripening: Hanging bananas encourages even airflow around the fruit, prolonging their shelf life. Hang the bananas to increase their usable life. Help bananas ripen evenly and prevent bruising by keeping the fruit off countertops. Convenient countertop storage: Encourage your family to choose a healthy snack by leaving out apples, oranges, pears, or bananas on the kitchen countertop or dining table. Store a variety of fruits: The basket is perfect for all your produce: apples, pears, lemons, limes, grapefruit, kiwis, bananas, and other fruits in convenient countertop food storage. Alternatively, use your fruit basket for vegetables. 1) The open design lets fruits and vegetables ripen evenly. 2) Attached banana hook keeps fruit from bruising. 3) Made with strong, durable and long-lasting metal. 4) Easy to use, clean and maintain.


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