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A premium quality adhesive for multipurpose usage. The Bostik contact adhesive is a strong bonding adhesive that can be used to seal any two broken items together. This tube of multipurpose glue will come in handy at home, at stores, events, organizations, workshops and other places. All you need to do is apply a coat of glue on each surface, leave to settle for 4 minutes until it becomes tacky. Then press the two pieces into each other firmly and hold together with bands or clothes clips if the pieces are heavy. Remove after a few minutes. When you are done using this adhesive, wipe the nozzle and screw the cover back on tightly to prevent drying in the tube. Use for Arts and Crafts purposes. The Bostik 50ML Contact Adhesive is the best glue for arts and crafts. Since the glue dries clear, it leaves behind no discolored residue and can hold surfaces together permanently. It is waterproof and so it can be painted over. You can use the Bostik contact adhesive to glue jewelry boxes, plastic and silicone decorations, paper crafts, make greeting cards, paper mache bowls, keychains, umbrellas, bookshelves, makeup items, decorative items around the house, clocks, lamps, furniture and other items. Waterproof and weather resistant. This high quality, strong adhesive glue will come in handy to fix leaks and other surfaces exposed to water during the monsoon. The clear effect will ensure that no ugly mark is in place. Use this to seal water pipes along the roof, sink areas, buckets, bathroom tiles, faucets, and other leaky items. This is a multipurpose glue that instantly bonds and is resistant to weather and water, lasting permanently. Before you apply the Bostik contact adhesive to any surface, ensure that the surface is clear of any dirt and dry. (1). A strong bonding multipurpose adhesive tape for the home. (2). Water resistant and dries clear, made from Polymerizing Vinyl Acetate. (3). Dries quickly on immediate contact with surface. (3). Can be used to repair household items are for DIY crafts. (4). Can be used for gluing wood, metal, paper, paper mache, glass, ceramic and more(5)For use by adults only.


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