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If you want to get that loose roll of paper towels off the random spot on your countertop and in a dedicated place, these paper towel holders can help. Access your paper towels neater, faster, and easier with the Spectrum Ashley Paper Towel Holder Bronze. Paper towels are ideal for cleaning up random spills and messes in the kitchen and around the house, and when you need to grab a paper towel, its so much easier when you have the roll in a dedicated space on the kitchen countertop. Paper towel holders help you quickly grab a square or two when messes happen, making the clean up easy. The Spectrum Ashley Paper Towel Holder Bronze is a freestanding holder that is straightforward and made from premium quality metal. It stands on the counter and is super easy to slip a roll onto and grab towels from. Its compact, lightweight, and doesnt require any assembly or installation. Easy change paper towel: It is very easy to change or load paper towel in Spectrum Ashley Paper Towel Holder Bronze. You will just have to place the roll of paper towel onto the metal bar. To replace the old paper towel with a new one, just slide out the old one and fix the new one! No installation required: The Spectrum Ashley Paper Towel Holder Bronze doesnt need to be installed anywhere for support. It is engineered with a wide sturdy base to keep the paper towel off the counter and prevent tipping while in use. Stylish and functional: The Spectrum Ashley Paper Towel Holder Bronze is simple yet has an elegant design. The structure of the holder is made up of metal, making it both durable and sturdy in nature. Additionally, it is also rust-proof and corrosion-resistant. Measuring 17.78 x 17.145 x 33.655 cm, this product seamlessly integrates with your surroundings. Small and compact, this Paper Towel Holder is a great addition to your collection of kitchenware essentials. What are you waiting for? Get it now! 1) Designed to hold standard and jumbo paper towel rolls. 2) Wide sturdy base keeps paper towels off the counter and prevents tipping while in use. 3) Features a handle for easy carrying. 4) Goes anywhere to provide paper towels as needed.


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