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The Sistema 285ML Bake It Mini Bakery, from the Sistema Bake It range keeps all your baking products and ingredients fresh. This product features Sistemaʼs patented easy close clips and can be stacked neatly and save space. This product is very easy to transport thanks to the moulded handles and is just the right size for storing standard-sized baking ingredients. Cooking, baking and storing food go hand in hand. It is hard to ignore the importance of containers in the kitchen. Containers donʼt only help in storing food but also in carrying it. When it comes to choosing containers for your kitchen, airtight containers should be your only preference. Benefits of using the Sistema 285ML Bake It Mini Bakery: Fresh food: Airtight containers keep your food fresh and also prevent rancidity. No contamination: Keeping food in airtight containers also prevents the growth of bacteria and entry of foreign substances that can contaminate your food. Enjoy original flavours and aroma: Containers with airtight lids are known for their ability to retain the original flavours and aroma of your food. Easy to carry and store: One of the best things about airtight containers is that you can easily carry the food without worrying about spilling it. Airtight containers are also easy to refrigerate and stack. Hygiene and health: Airtight containers prioritize your health by always providing you with hygienic food. It offers the best and safest kitchen storage containers. Highlights of using the Sistema 285ML Bake It Mini Bakery: Space-saving stacking system: With the Sistema 285ML Bake It Mini Bakery, you can make the most of the space in your cabinets. It is easily stackable and makes use of the underutilized vertical spaces. Easy to close clips: Thanks to the patented, easy to close clips and flexible seal, food stays fresher for longer with the Sistema 285ML Bake It Mini Bakery. Microwave, dishwasher and freezer safe: The Sistema 285ML Bake It Mini Bakery can be cleaned in the dishwashers top rack. It can also be used for freezing food or for defrosting and heating in the microwave. (1) Firmly closing, stackable bakery storage container for storing smaller baking ingredients such as nuts, sprinkles and dried fruits. (2) Features distinctive Sistema Klip It easy to close clips, handy pouring spout and handle. (3) Top rack dishwasher safe, microwave, fridge and freezer safe. (4) Airtight container.


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