6pcs colourful decorative writing photo paper clips office accessories school supplies stationery for student kids children

Do you remember the tiered compass boxes with separate indentations for all stationery that we used to carry as kids to school? This Really Useful 4.5 Liter Plastic Stationery Tray is the grown up version of our extremely fun and useful compass boxes. The open tray allows you to easily view and find the contents inside. The dimensions of this tray are 21.5 x 5.5 x 19 cm. It has six compartments of different sizes so you can store the items appropriately as per size without mixing them up. It is the perfect item to keep your desk space clutter free and well organized. You can also place this compact tray inside drawers if you wish to keep an absolutely blank and clean tabletop. You can use it at home or in the office. In the narrow and long compartments, you can keep your pens, pencils, markers, sketch pens, etc. The slightly wider one can be used to keep rulers or highlighters. The two smaller compartments are to stock small items such as paper clips, erasers, sharpeners, thumb pins, stapler pins, etc. The biggest compartment is for items like sticky notes, staplers, hole punches, paperweights, etc. the stationery tray is also useful in segregating and storing your craft supplies like glue, glitter, paints, brushes, etc. It is made using sturdy and durable clear plastic. The material makes the tray easy to clean and maintain. Wash it with water and a mild soap or wipe it with a damp sponge. The tray is waterproof and non-corrosive. This is a highly useful product for people of all ages and professions. Apart from office usage, the stationery tray can also be used to keep medicine strips, beauty wipes, sponges, toiletries, and other small miscellaneous items that take up the much needed space on surfaces of items in your house. The clear material ensures that the tray gels well with most home décor without sticking out like a sore thumb. So, make your working space an organized canvas to work with a clear mind in a neat space for the best ideas and inspiration. 1) It has six compartments for ease of segregation of items by size. 2) Made using clear plastic which is strong and durable(3)Keep away from flames. 3) Multipurpose: Can be used for stationery, office supplies, and much more at home and office. 4) Stylish and minimal design.


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