24pcs high quality jewelry organizer box cardboard bracelet storage case necklace jewelry gift display packaging box mixed color

Diamonds are a womans best friend- goes a popular saying. This the perfect gift that a husband can give to her wife on her birthday or wedding anniversary. Stackers Pebble Grey Jewelry Box with Super Size Lid is perfect for women who love to accessorize and have a larger jewelry collection, with sections to organize a variety of jewelry. It has multiple layers to create a custom box, this multifaceted piece adds a fillip to your dressing table and has beautifully been manufactured with high quality materials. The dimension of this box is 25 X 36.6 X 4.7 cm and it comes in an attractive grey color. This box is made of Polyurethane material. The advantages of Polyurethane are that it is flexible, impact resistant and moisture resistant. Hence you can preserve your jewelry well and prevent it from getting tarnished and corroded due to moisture. You can organize a multitude of jewelry like pendants, rings, bracelets, gemstones and assort them meticulously in the box. You can also save yourself the arduous task of decluttering and re-organizing your jewelry box. The sections come in different geometric patterns. You can also create your jewelry box tailormade to your requirements. Thanks to its compartmentalization, you can store various trinkets separately and find it easy to reach for any time you need it. It has divisions to hold your rings, pendants, bracelets, watches and more. It comes with a supersize lid, so you can keep your valuables protected from dust and light, thus preserving it from getting tarnished and wearing away. With a clasp-like locking mechanism, you can easily open and close the box as needed. The premium lined interiors of the box prevent scratches on your prized trinkets, which will otherwise get ruined if thrown into a messy drawer. So, folks, what are you waiting for? All that glitters here is indeed gold! If youre someone who owns a lot of jewellery and accessories, then the Stackers Pebble Grey Jewelry Box with Super Size Lid is what you need! 1) Comes with an attached protective lid. 2) Box is large in size and contains different sections to organize your jewelry. 3) It is made of Polyurethane material. It is flexible and sturdy. 4) It is also impact resistant and moisture resistant. 5) It protects your jewelry from getting tangled, tarnished and corrosion.


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