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Hokan-sho Plastic Cabinet Storage Wide is easy to wash. Simply wash it with water and make it dry, it is ready for its next use. This wide storage cabinet can be used in the office for organizing documents, stationery, magazines, essentials, etc. It can also store Books, Paint, Tools, Clothes, Toys, Groceries, and kitchen and Bathing accessories. It is durable and lightweight, easily portable, and comes in a cross-ventilation design that keeps the items free from mold formation. It is easy to lift and carry as the box has recessed handles on two sides. It is made of high-quality plastic that is non-toxic, harmless, odor-free, and has no distortion.An ideal storage basketYou can maintain your desired humidity level inside or around the cabinet without affecting its quality. In the case of spills, there are also no chances of degradation. These plastic storage cabinets are very much suited for areas that you must maintain with strict sterility. This material is easy to sterilize, making it ideally suitable for laboratories, surgical rooms, and cleanrooms. This material is lighter in weight compared to a metal cabinet of a similar dimension or design. It makes this wide storage cabinet easy to move and transport from one place to another. It can endure weight to make it reliable for storing and stacking items. Thus, this plastic material offers great structural strength.Store your items without any hassleIt is an ideal and cheaper substitute for an actual file cabinet. The plastic storage is perfect for storing papers, documents, and crafting materials. The flat, short boxes can fit in any closet or storage space. You can use them for tidying different things like art supplies, gift wrapping materials, work files, school supplies, and accessories. wide storage cabinets are a great, multi-use storage option for kitchen items like cooking wares and utensils. This wide storage cabinet provides enough room to fit different tools but is still light enough to carry and move around easily. Aside from kitchen tools, you can use plastic storage cabinets for pantry items like snacks, ingredients, or spices. The right choice to make!These wide storage cabinets are easy to stack. Storage cabinets are very useful for offices as they allow users to store and maintain their files and documents appropriately, without any formation of clutter. These are designed in such a way that they meet the storage requirement of the user. Storage cabinets can be used for storing documents, files, tape files, machinery, or tools. In addition, Hokan-sho Plastic Cabinet Storage Wide can provide about twice the storage capacity compared to common shelving. You can easily store dangerous sharp objects in a cabinet instead of storing them on an open shelf. .(1)Extremely durable(2) Easy to wash(3) Easy to lift and carry(4) Cross-ventilating body(5) Has recessed handles on two sides.


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