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Tala 530ML Cordial Bottle is a glass bottle that is made up of strong and durable glass with sturdy metal caps. Not only does this bottle come with an attractive design, but they add to the class, look and feel of your cooking and dining spaces. With this product from Tala, you can easily impress your friends and family. It is sure to leave a positive impression on your guests. Clear and transparent, this glass bottle will add that much-needed charm and elegance to your kitchen and pantry. Made from 100% food-safe materials, this product is BPA-free, lead-free, phthalate-free, toxicant-free and chemical-free, ensuring that this flip-top bottle is a great alternative to plastic bottles. By using this reusable glass bottle, you will be cutting down on the use of plastic in your home, ensuring sustainability in the long run. This glass bottle from Tala is suitable for storing oils, beverages and other liquids securely, without worrying about messy spills or leakages. Thanks to its clamp closure, this product from Tala offers airtight preservation of liquids, making it the perfect storage solution for wines, sauces, and condiments. The high-quality steel used in the cap ensures strength and durability after repeated use. It also makes the opening and closing of this glass bottle simple and easy. Benefits of using the Tala 530ML Cordial Bottle Elegant transparent glass bottle: Airtight lid for the glass bottle ensures that the flavour, aroma and freshness are locked in. Double insulated wall: The double insulated wall of glass makes the dishwasher safe. Spill-proof feature: This decorative glass bottle comes with a leak-proof cork that makes it spill-proof and convenient to use. Innovatively designed: Designed with an innovative and user-friendly style, this product will impress your friends and family alike. Made with premium quality materials: This glass bottle is made with food-grade toughened glass for maximum safety and security for your loved ones. Easily fits in your refrigerator - This glass bottle will easily fit in your refrigerator. For multi-use: Use your glass bottle to store oils, beverages, vinegar, water or soda. .(1)Easy to use, clean and maintain.(2)Smart and sensible design.(3)Strong, durable and long-lasting product.(4)A must-have in your kitchen..


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